1132 Lake Vista Dr Ne, Connelly Springs, NC 28612
1132 Lake Vista Dr Ne, Connelly Springs, NC 28612
- Property ID: 28358
- State: NC
- County: Burke
- Parcel Number: #60571
- Short Legal Description: V/l 1132 Lake Vista Dr Ne Lot 8
- Annual Property Taxes: $257.87
- Annual HOA Fees: $500.00
- Size (In Acres): 1.05
- Road Access: Yes - Paved
- Electricity: Yes
- Water: Well needed
- Sewer: Septic needed
- Internet: High speed internet in the area
- Zoning: Residential (R-12A)
- Terrain: Sloping
GPS Center Coordinates (approximate): 35.775459,-81.524385
Open location in Google Maps here.
Waterfront lot for your home at Lake Rhodhiss!
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Buyer must perform their own due diligence . This land is sold as is and all information provided is to the best of seller’s knowledge. Seller does not guarantee accuracy of property location or descriptions show in listing as well as facts describing the property. Buyer to verify all details of property including property location and boundaries and lot lines, as well as feasibility to use property for buyer’s desired purpose. All utilities related to this property are potentially subject to a connection charge or additional expense to bring them to or onto the property.
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Although the seller might hold legal title for some of the properties displayed on this website, it is understood and agreed to by the parties involved that for the other properties the selling party, while holding an equitable interest in and to the property, is not presently making, and has not made, any representation to any party that it holds legal title in and to the property.